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A Traveller’s Guide to Hungarian 2024

A Traveller’s Guide to Hungarian 2024

Singh, Pamela 23-02-2024

When travelling to Hungary, Hungarian can seem very intimidating at first. While it might not be among the easiest languages in the world, we are sure that you can learn some useful phrases during your stay here.


Even though most people in Budapest can speak English, it is always a good idea to know a few local phrases and words to get around in the city.

So let’s learn a little bit of Hungarian with us!


A Traveller's Guide to Hungarian

A Traveller’s Guide to Hungarian

The Basics

In the basics section, you will find the most vital words and phrases to learn. Hungarians are always appreciative of tourists knowing how to speak their language.




Jó reggelt/napot/estét!

Good morning/day/night!








Thank you!


Bless you/Cheers!


Excuse me!


I'm sorry!

Nem beszélek magyarul.

I don't speak Hungarian.

Beszél angolul?

Do you speak English?


A Traveller's Guide to Hungarian

A Traveller’s Guide to Hungarian

Travel & Directions

Whether you are staying in the capital or in the countryside, asking for directions might come handy during your vacation.

Merre van a …?

Where is the …?

Elvinne a …hoz/hez?

Could you take me to the …?


I am lost.

Késik a vonat/busz/villamos/metró.

The train/bus/tram/metro is late.

A reptérre szeretnék menni.

I would like to go to the airport.

Messze van?

Is it far away?


A Traveller's Guide to Hungarian

A Traveller’s Guide to Hungarian

Food & Drink

As Budapest is well-known for its party scene, you probably will go out to have a party or grab some drinks so it is definitely useful to know a few of these phrases, just in case.

Egy pálinkát kérek.

I would like a pálinka.

Jó étvágyat!

Enjoy your meal!

Részeg vagyok.

I am drunk.

Ez vegetáriánus?

Is this vegetarian?

Mit ajánlana?

What would you recommend?

Kérném a számlát.

I would like the bill, please.

Fizetni szeretnék.

I would like to pay, please.


A Traveller's Guide to Hungarian

A Traveller’s Guide to Hungarian

Shopping & Time

Shopping is also quite essential for some of us when it comes to traveling to a new country. Even if you are only looking for souvenirs, it might be wise to use your Hungarian.

Mennyibe kerül?

How much does it cost?

Egy, kettő, három, négy, öt, hat, hét, nyolc, kilenc, tíz

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten

Hétfő, Kedd, Szerda, Csütörtök, Péntek, Szombat, Vasárnap

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Hány óra?

What time is it?


Is it free?


A Traveller's Guide to Hungarian

A Traveller’s Guide to Hungarian


Love can happen when you least expect it, so it is great to be prepared if it does.

Megadod a telefonszámodat?

Could you give me your phone number?

Szingli vagyok.

I am single.

Hagyj békén!

Leave me alone!


I love you.


A Traveller's Guide to Hungarian

A Traveller’s Guide to Hungarian

Random, but useful!

And here’s just a few more random phrases that might come in handy while exploring Hungary.


Mi a wifi jelszó?

What’s the wifi password?

Fáj a fejem.

I have a headache.

Boldog Születésnapot!

Happy Birthday!


A Traveller's Guide to Hungarian

A Traveller’s Guide to Hungarian

Where to Stay in Hungary

Chances are pretty high you’ll be in Budapest at one point or another, so book with the best and stay at Maverick Lodges.You’ll love the vibe at Maverick’s, and will more than likely meet lots of other great travellers here! Don’t leave your booking too late as it’s quite a popular spot.